ul. Bukowa 24, 43-100 Tychy
  • Polski
  • Українська
  • English



Suite Intended Use

The Tenant rents the flat solely for residential purposes. The rented property may not be indicated as a seat of an entrepreneur, and no business may be conducted in the residential property unless the rental agreement expressly permits this.


The Tenant is responsible for the persons staying in the property with regard to all General Terms and Conditions of Rental. Persons other than those who are parties to the rental agreement must not stay (i.e. sleep overnight) in the flat.


1. Noise emission standards must be complied with in this building.

2. Common night-time quiet hours extend from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The Tenant is obliged to observe the night-time quiet hours and maintain good relationships with neighbours (e.g. inform them in advance about planned social meetings and obtain their consent for violating the night-time quiet hours).

Vehicular traffic and use of parking lots

1. The provisions of the Road Traffic Act are applicable on the property;

2. It is prohibited to park on a marked parking space.

3. Vehicles and bicycles may only be parked in areas provided for this purpose. You may not block access ways to the building or the garage entrance, even for a short period of time, with vehicles.

4. It is not permitted to store bicycles in the building corridors and on balconies.

5. 5. Each Tenant should secure his/er bicycle against theft on their own (chain/other available security devices). The Landlord shall not be held responsible for the stolen property.


1. The Tenant is obliged to keep the property clean, to observe the housekeeping standards and not to store or leave unnecessary items in the common areas (in particular in the corridor) or on the balcony.

2. It is prohibited to store food on external windowsills and balconies.

3. The housekeeping standards also apply to vehicle parking spaces and the courtyard; it is prohibited to wash any vehicles (particularly including cars, motorbikes, motor scooters and kick scooters) on the property.

4. It is mandatory to segregate waste on the property. Tenants are obliged to dispose of rubbish only into the containers provided for this purpose.

Smoking ban

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the premises, on balconies and in common areas of the property, including a ban on smoking tobacco or electronic cigarettes. Smoking is only permitted in areas which have been specially provided by the Property Manager.

Ban on domestic animals

All animals, including but not limited to: dogs, cats, rodents, birds, fish, ornamental insects and exotic animals, are prohibited on the property and in the premises unless otherwise agreed by the Owner and specified in the Lease Agreement.

Keys and locks

1. An unauthorised installation of an additional lock or replacement of a door lock is not permitted.

2. If the Tenant loses the only pair of keys, he/she shall immediately, no later than within 4 hours, contact the Property Manager or the Landlord in order to agree on a plan of action, in particular to report the loss of the keys to the District Lost-and-Found Property Office or a suspected theft of the keys to the Police.

3. Emergency opening of the door by the Landlord in the event that the Tenant has lost the keys or has been temporarily unable to access the keys will result in the Tenant being charged with the following administration costs:

- Weekdays between 8 A.M. and 4 P.M.- PLN 50,

- Other times and holidays - PLN 100.

4. The Tenant will be additionally charged with the cost of making replacement keys or a new lock due to a loss of the key.

5. For your own safety and the safety of other residents, you should not disclose the entrance codes, remote controls or electronic keys to the building to third parties.

Security in the Premises

1. The Tenant is responsible for their own safety and the safety of his or her guests while staying on the premises. The Landlord is not responsible for any risky behaviour of persons staying on the premises.

2. It is forbidden to store hazardous materials or substances on the premises, including, in particular toxic, explosive or other substances that are harmful to health or the storage of which is prohibited.

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